Answered By: Anna Xiong Last Updated: Oct 15, 2020 Views: 60
There are many resources on 2020 voting and election available through Fondren Library. A few are selected here to get you started. We continuously update these resources:
- Fondren FAQ. Check this Fondren FAQ web page. It is a repository of Fondren Library's frequently asked questions. Click on a topic, or search "voting" or "election" to see if someone else already asked the same question or type your own question.
- Fondren Library twitter (until November 3, 2020): It has daily twitter messages highlighting 2020 early voting and the coming Presidential election information for your convenience.
- Fondren Web Page: Make Your Plan to Vote
- Fondren LibGuide: Rice Voting/Election During 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic: This guide is prepared by Kelley Center primarily for Rice faculty/staff/students. It is intended to provide you quick links to the most current, official or reliable information resources - Rice official information resources, Harris County, Texas State, Government Documents Round Table/American Libraries Association, League of Women Voters, Fondren Library other resources on 2020 Voting/Election, etc. It provides most current information for you to participate the coming 2020 Presidential Election, from polling sites, hours, parking, gates, maps, acceptable IDs, to more in depth research information to help you be an informed voter during 2020 U.S. Presidential election, as well as to be prepared for the post-election 2020.
- Fondren LibGuide: Voting/Election: This guide is prepared by Kelley Center primarily for the general public who seeks voting/election information. The guide provides some links that highlight resources for 2020 voting/election at Rice, Harris County, Ford Bend County, Montgomery County, and Texas, but the information in the guide goes beyond those. It is great to be used as teaching resources and for broader, deeper research on voting/election.
- Fondren LibGuide: Be an informed voter: 2020 Presidential Debate news, Fondren Library catalog and database, guides, tool kits, data, etc. for doing research on 2020 Presidential Election.
If you need more help, you may contact Fondren VDVR (Volunteer Deputy Voter Registrar) Group or Kelley Center
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