Q. Public access to rare newspapers in your archives
I'm a member of the general public rather than a student at Rice. You all have some rare newspapers in your archives that I've found in your catalog, in the restricted section. I have one publication in particular that I'm interested in, from the Civil War era. Would I be allowed to come in & scan some available copies to a flash drive? If not, what would be the best way to get access to those archives?
Thank you
Yes, you will be able to visit the library and use the materials on site.
In our old catalog (pre-August 2019) these rare materials found in the Woodson Research Center (Fondren 1st floor) were listed as "restricted," which suggested they were not available. The material is available and we welcome researchers. Please note that the Woodson hours differ from the rest of Fondren Library (WRC hours). Please contact the Woodson Research Center staff directly with additional questions: woodson@rice.edu or 713-348-2586.